When you’re looking for a massage therapist or any other therapist, your ultimate goal would be to feel better and improve your condition. And also to put you on the right track for overall wellness. However, there might be so many Remedial massage therapists out there and you wouldn’t have a clear idea what these therapist do and specializes. So, this post will give you 6 tips of what you need to consider to find “the one” Remedial massage therapist that will suit you the most!
1. Do research.
It is always smart to learn basic knowledge of the treatment that you’re going to receive. Search the therapists around your area and check their website or social media out to learn what they specialize and area they target, also if they’ll understand your need and goal. It is always good to ask the therapist if they’re familiar with the condition that you have before making an appointment.
2. Professional and healthy relationship with your therapist.
Sharing your information, being on the same page, having the same goal and working towards the outcome that you want with your therapist is the most important part of the whole experience, in my opinion. Massage therapy treatment can be intimate with your therapist and if you’re not sharing everything or you don’t feel the trust from the therapist, then it’s most likely to have a bad outcome. Building a good healthy relationship with your therapist is everything, therefore, see the therapist who is willing to listen to you and go out of their way to help you within their scope of practice. And also, when the therapist thinks it’s out of their scope of practice, then they should (hopefully) refer you to the better practice to suit your need.

3. Be open minded, especially the first treatment session.
Now you’re seeing the therapist that you think it’s the one for you and it can turn out to be “the” one or it can go a little different from what you expected, however, this is normal because each individual therapist’s will have their own way of executing the same techniques and it might be different from what you had before. My tip for you is to be open minded as long as you’re comfortable. Then at the end of the treatment speak to the therapist the reason why they were different or what they did, the therapist will be happy to talk about it. Importantly, most of the therapy treatment need at least 2-3 times of close treatment sessions to see true recovery outcome. So, give a few try at one place to see the true outcome and then you can decide for sure.

4. Pressure
This can be a tricky one to every Remedial massage therapist, as most of the people still think that Remedial massage is just a harsh “digging elbow” massage. And some clients do want that pressure to feel the relief but that’s not what all of us do and we’re certainly not here to increase the pain level and tension through the body.
If you want the high pressure to feel the relief then you’d have to specify before hand or ask when you’re making an appointment therefore you can get exactly what you need without wasting your time on the table. And for those people who laying on the table suffering through the threshold, let us know because it is not doing any good when you’re tensing your muscle during the treatment. They’re both very important and need to be addressed during or before treatment.
5. Post treatment
Most of the Remedial massage therapists are trained to give you direction after the treatment to provide stretches or simple posture exercises to improve your condition and injury. This is an extra but it is very helpful for you and the therapist for you to continue the journey to improve the condition in between the treatment session.

6. Therapist who provides health fund rebate.
Lastly but quite importantly, a therapist who provide health fund rebate can be in this list not just because to use your private health fund but it shows that the therapist would’ve studied national recognized level of education, will have to keep on top of their first aid certificate, paid for an insurance to cover any incident inside the practice and also to keep up on their education points to keep the membership. Unregistered therapists still can be as good as unregistered but it is a bonus to know to decide.

Everyone reacts differently to the same treatment and therapist. You will need some patient and effort to find the confident, professional therapist who will improve your condition and reach that goal together.
Written by Seonkyo Kim; Dip RMT
Harmonize Body Works
